Monthly Meetings

The Council meets monthly, except for August, generally on the first Tuesday of the month, except in December when we tend to meet on a Tuesday between the 10th and 20th.  All meetings are open to the public and there is an opportunity for parishioners to raise any topic in an "Open Forum" before the meeting proper.

The "Open Forum" is not officially part of the Council's meeting, which is controlled by strict Standing Orders.  It provides an opportunity for people in the parish to bring matters before the Council;  for Parish Councillors to give reports or flag up issues for inclusion on the agenda of a subsequent meeting, and for a "PACT" (Police and Community Together) report.

Any issue that requires action by the Council that utilises its resources has to be on the agenda, so matters raised at the Open Forum not on the agenda of that day's meeting cannot be considered until the next one.  In the Council meeting only members may take part in debate, though the Chairman can ask others for information and advice to help the Council in its decisions.  The Forum thus also provides an opportunity for members of the public to make their views known on items that the Council will be discussing later in the meeting.

The Council works on an April 1st - March 31st administrative year. You can find Agendas and Minutes for each meeting in the Document Archive.
